APPMAN E-KYC is a technology service provider specializing in comprehensive identity verification and anti-fraud solutions. Our solution can be applied to various industries seeking customer onboarding and enhanced security for account opening in various transactions.

What is DIP CHIP?

We offer identity verification services through a card reader at locations of your choice, delivered by expert riders. Our service adheres to institutional financial and insurance standards, enhancing user confidence, safety, and reliability.


Receive data from the system

Schedule appointments
Use a PIN code for case confirmation

Contact customers before scheduled meeting, 1 hour in advance

Meet customers according to the application or appointment location

Verify documents using electronic devices (Dip Chip)

Scan QR code
Read ID card information & take photos
Send data

The Avantages of Dip-Chip Rider

Fast & Convenient

Can perform E-KYC from anywhere, serving over 77 provinces nationwide.

Available for service around the clock

Users can book the service 1 day in advance. Riders will arrive at the appointment location during business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Trustworthy & Verifiable

Sensitive data on users’ ID cards will always be kept confidential. Security adheres to ISO 27001 standards and CSA Star Level 2

Rider logo

We provide service with professional riders who prioritize etiquette and service.

There are notifications for every rider arrival. Riders also verify the ID card authenticity by checking the user’s face at the site. Confirmation calls are made 1 hour before the scheduled appointment

The industry standards we have received

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